Lynx (Felis lynx)

Lynx have lived on Estonian lands since after the Ice Age. The colour of common lynx varies quite a bit.

On average, lynx in Estonia have 100 litters. The low numbers of the roe deer population have also significantly reduced the number of lynx. Currently, their numbers are trending upwards moderately, with the total number estimated at 450 lynx in the autumn of 2015.

Lynx are carnivorous. In Estonia, their main prey includes hares, roe deer, rodents and birds.

The rut for lynx is in February / March. Mostly, 2 to 3 cubs are born in May and stay with their mother until they are a year old. Sexual maturity is reached by lynx by the age of 2. They mostly weigh 10 to 20 kg, but older animals may weigh more than 30 kg. Wolves, in addition to many, may pose a threat to lynx.

A calling hunt, hunting from hides, a stalking hunt, a driven hunt, and hunting with a hound are allowed for lynx, except for a mother with cubs, from 1 December until the end of the hunting year.

The hunting quota for lynx is allocated on a county basis. The success of hunting for lynx largely depends on snow conditions. If possible, a lynx hunt is undertaken simultaneously with a boar hunt. As a rule, all adult individuals are medal-worthy.